Nine Easy-To-Find Internet Cafes In Oslo
Oslo Internet Cafes. Oslo is one of the country that has the best internet accessibility in the world. Most of the hotels in Oslo have wireless internet areas. Besides, there are a lot of cafes which provide internet for you. In Oslo you can be online anywhere.
Here are nine easy-to-find internet cafes you might need when you travel in Oslo:
- Arctic Internet Kafe. It is at Oslo Centra Station. Telp. : 22 17 19 40. It opens from 08.00 to 24.00 every day.
- Abbas Schous Internet Kaffe. It is on Thy Meyer g 85. Telp : 22 87 01 60.
- Deichmanske Bibliotek. It is on Henrik Insens gate 1. Telp : 23 43 29 00. It opens from Monday to Friday at 10.00 to 20.00. On Saturdays it opens at 09.00 to 15.00.
- Gameworld. It is on Dovregata 7. Telp.: 22 60 92 60. It opens from Monday to Friday at 11.00 – 22.00.
- Haugen Internettcafe. It is in Galleriet, Schweigaards g 6. Telp.: 22 17 19 00. It opens from Monday to Saturday at 11.00 – 21.00.
- It is in Majorstua T-bane on Sørkedalsveien 1. Telp. : 22 46 21 12. It opens from Monday to Friday at 10.00 to 24.00. On Saturdays it opens at 11.00 to 24.00. On Sundays it opens at 12.00 to 24.00.
- QBA. It is on Olaf Ryes plass 4. Telp. : 22 35 24 60. It opens from Monday to Friday at 08.00 to 01.00. On Saturdays and Sundays it opens from 11.00 to 01.00.
- Saga Internet Cafe. It is in Stortingsgata/over Norway Design. It opens from Monday to Saturday from 10.00 to 24.00. On Sundays it opens from 12.00 to 24.00.
- Riverside Youth Centre. It is located at Vaterland bridge next to the Aker River in the centre of Oslo. It opens every day all-year-around for all young adults in Oslo. It is on Grønland 1. Telp. : 22 17 75 50. Fax. : 22 17 10 20.
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