15 Popular Places in Paris
Popular Places in Paris. Paris is inhabited by over two million people. During the medieval and Renaissance periods, it dominated northern Europe as a religious and cultural center. Now Paris has developed its beauty and its charm with elegants avenue and boulevards. It also has attraction for tourists because it has lots of beautiful cafes, gourmet restaurants, and fashionable shopping.
Before visiting Paris, Check out the following 15 popular places in Paris :
- Ille de la Cité. Ille de la Cité is the name of a very popular island on the Seine. It is the nucleus of Paris.
- Sainte-Chapelle. This church is one of the great architectural masterpieces of Western World.
- Centre Pompidou. This famous cultural centre has room for a vast exhibition area inside.
- Musee Picasso. This museum displays the work of a Spanish-born artist, Pablo Picasso.
- Notre Dame. This building stands majestically on the Ille de la Cité. This cathedral was commissioned by Bishop de Sully in 1159. The coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte took place in here in 1804.
- Place des Vosges. The square is perfectly symmetrical, laid out by Henry IV and known as Place Royale, the residence of aristocracy.
- Place de la Bastille. This place has a connection with the French Revolution. A row of paving stones from no.5 to no. 49 Boulevard Henry IV traces the line of former fortifications.
- St-Germain-des-Prés. This church is the oldest church in Paris which was used as a basilica to house holy relics.
- Jardin du Luxembourg. This graceful and historic area offers a peaceful haven in the heart of Paris.
- Musée du Louvre. This museum contains one of the world’s most important art collections. It was built as a fortress in 1190 by King Philippe Auguste.
- The Glass Pyramid. This pyramid enables the visitor to see the surrounding buildings while allowing light down into the underground visitors’ reception area.
- Les Invalides. This vast ensemble of monumental buildings is one of the most impressive architectural sights in Paris.
- Musée Rodin. It exhibits the work of France’s greatest sculptors, Auguste Rodin (1840-1917).
- Musée d’Orsay. This museum exhibits the painting and sculptures dating from between 1848 – 1914.
- Eiffel Tower. This tower was built for the Universal Exhibition of 1889 and to commemorate the centennial of the Revolution. This 321 meter tower was designed by Gustave Eiffel.
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