Five Popular Museums and Galleries in Nice

Five Popular Museums and Galleries in Nice

Popular Museums and Galleries in Nice. The largest resort on the Mediterranean coast, Nice has the second busiest airport in France. Its temperate winter climate and verdant subtropical vegetation have long attracted visitors, and today it is also a center for business conferences and package travelers.

The Musée Matisse

There are many art museums in Nice, two of which devote themselves to the works of particular artists. The Musée Matisse displays drawings, painting bronzes fabrics and artifacts.

The Musée Chagall

The Musée Chagall holds the largest collection of works by Marc Chagall, with paintings, drawings, sculpture, stained glass, and mosaics.

The Musée d’ Art Contemporain

The Musée d’ Art Contemporain has a collection  of particularly strong in Neo-Realism and Pop Art. The Musée des Beaux Arts displays works by Dufy, Monet, Renoir, and Sisley.

The Palais Masséna

A 19th-century palace, the Palais Masséna is filled with painting of the Nice school works by the Impressionists, Provençal ceramics, folk art, and gold cloak once worn by napoleon’s beloved Josephine.

The Cathédrale Orthodoxe Russe St-Nicolass

The onion domes of the Cathédrale Orthodoxe Russe St-Nicolass completed in 1912 make this Nice’s most distinctive landmartk.

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