Getting around Stockholm, Sweden

Getting around Stockholm, Sweden

Getting around Stockholm is enjoyable and exciting. To make the best of your visit in this beautiful capital of Sweden, you should learn a few things mention below. Spend 5 minutes to know the city.

Stockholm Tour Guide, custom, bargaining, tipping, cuisine, drink specialties, shopping, currency, post office, tourist information center, transport
Stockholm, Sweden


Customs | Getting around Stockholm

Learn the following customs in Stockholm, Sweden.

Bargaining | Getting around Stockholm

Prices are fixed in Sweden. So, do not waste your time bargaining. 



Tipping is not necessary in restaurants where a service charge is included in the bill. However, it is acceptable to leave a few notes or coins. For taxis, round up the fare to the nearest Kronor.

Local Cuisine

Scandinavia is very famous for its Smorgasbord and Sweden is no exception. There are plenty of variations, but the Smorgasbord consists of a hot and cold buffet, with particular emphasis on seafood and such dishes as pickled herring and smoked salmon. Another specialty is in Reindeer which is a little richer and sweeter than beef. The Swedes are also known for their open-faced sandwiches. Try Vafflor (waffles) served with jam and cream, they are delicious. Go to Restaurant Verandan to get one of the best smorgasbord in town.

Drink Specialties

Vodka is the drink most widely associated with Sweden, but the local prefer Aquavit, a potato based liquor, served ice cold and drunk as a shot. Be cautious; it is very strong.


Shops are generally open from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. on Saturday. A few of the touristic stores may open on Sundays in the Old Town. Department Stores are open on Sundays from 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

The best shopping areas are located about 2 miles from the harbor. They are Hamngatan, Kungsgatan, Drottninggaten and Gamla Stan (old town). Swedish crystal designs are outstanding, other items of interest include; quality furs, ceramics, silver and stainless steel products, and brightly painted wooden handicrafts that make great souvenirs.

U.S. Dollars are not accepted in Sweden, although major credit cards are.

Value Added Tax (VAT) is added to most purchases. Visitors who spend over a certain amount may be entitled to re-claim some or all of the tax paid. In Scandinavia many stores participate in “Tax Free Shopping”, ask for a “Tax Free” receipt, this is then usually reimbursed before departing the country.

Local Currency

The unit of currency in Sweden is the Krona. There are 100 ore to the Krona. Notes are available in the following denominations: 20, 100, 500 and 1,000 Krone, the abbreviation being ‘SEK’.

Post Office and Telephone Facilities

The main Post office is located at Drottninggatan 53.

There are plenty of pay phones throughout Stockholm. Phone cards (Telefonkort) can purchased from most tobacco shops, “Pressbyran” convenience stores, or a Telebutik (special office from which international calls can also be placed.) The Telebutik is located on Skeppsbron in Gamla Stan. You can also place a call with your personal calling card using the following access codes ( Swedish telephone card required).

AT&T : 020 795-611
MCI : 020 795-922
SPRINT : 020 799-011

Tourist Information | Getting around Stockholm

The main Tourist Office is located at Sweden House, Hamngatan 27.

Getting around Stockholm
Area around Gamla Stan

Transportation | Getting around Stockholm

There is a good subway system operating throughout the City and a good local bus service.

Stockholm comprises of a number of small islands which are linked by an efficient ferry service.

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