Eight Most Popular Places in Cartagena, Spain

Eight Most Popular Places in Cartagena, Spain

There are a lot of  popular places that you can visit in Cartagena, Spain. But, we just enlist eight of them for you.


Conception Castle

Concepcion Castle is the ruins of a   fortress that formed part of the city’s defenses.  The castle is set in beautiful Torres park overlooks the city and harbor.

The Sea Wall of Cartagena

The sea wall of Cartagena is a very popular site in the city. This is a great place to stroll along the waterfront. The wall was built in the 1700s at the direction of King Carlos III.

The Naval Museum

The Naval Museum contains an interesting collection of charts and maps, model ships, celestial navigation instruments together with numerous other objects used in the maritime profession.

The National Museum for Underwater Archaeology

The National Museum for Underwater Archaeology is one of the few museums in Spain that undertakes aquatic research to learn more about the tools, ships and methods used by ancient seafarers.

The Palacio Consistorial (The Old Town Hall)

The Palacio Consistorial (The Old Town Hall) has recently been carefully restored  to its original beauty.  It has been closed and neglected for many years. Construction began  on the intricately designed building in 1900. It was dedicated by King Alfonso XIII and Queen Victoria Eugenia in 1907. Town Hall is near the waterfront and open to the public.

The Roman Theater

The Roman Theater was long forgotten and buried under nearly 2,000 years. The local government finally discovered the theater in 1987. Cut into the hillside in one of the city’s old neighborhoods, the 6000 seat theater is undergoing careful archaeological excavation. Sculptures and bas-reliefs recovered from the site can be viewed in the Municipal Archaeological Museum. They have taken great care to develop the site and surrounding area into one of the city’s most treasured features.

The Museo Arqueologico Municipal (Municipal Archaeological Museum)

The Museo Arqueologico Municipal (Municipal Archaeological Museum) has on display an interesting selection of artifacts that range from the paleolithic era and the Bronze Age.  However, the Carthaginians and Roman then completed the city’s historic timeline with the Ottoman Moors.

The Plaza de Toros (The Bull Ring)

The Plaza de Toros (The Bull Ring) is a very interesting structure with a great deal of history. The Roman built this bull ring in the 1850s upon the foundation of a Roman gladiatorial arena. Visitor can only view the arena from outside. However, it is possible to look into the subterranean entrance through which gladiators passed on their way to prepare for battle.     


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